Wednesday 20 April 2011

What my Owner's collar means to me....

With respect to my Owner,

I was reading an interesting post on a web site recently and that got me thinking that I should clarify to all what mine means to me....

My Owner's collar is the most important thing in the world to is the symbol of the commitment that we share and the bond we have. It's his gift to me as his owned, it shows all that I belong to another that I am protected that my heart, mind, body and soul is owned by him, that I give myself willingly and freely to him. A circle that represents the unity, love and trust that we have in and for one another.

Look at it this way...what does your wedding ring on your finger mean to you?...I bet I would be right in guessing that it's similar to what my collar, trust, honour, support and faith are probably just a few words and that's my point.

The collar given to me by my Owner is in fact my wedding ring just around my neck not my finger and if you think that might be a bit far fetched listen and believe me when I say this.....even in marriage a woman may not give herself completely to the man she is married to and yet as his submissive I give him all of me without reserve or hesitation, my trust in him never questioned.

The collar my Owner has entrusted me with a very special gift....very special indeed.

signed his submissive owned

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