Our Family in SL

 Let me introduce you to our Family

So as the words say - these little cuties are the Farshore Kids at the back are our 1st born twin boys Malin (left) and Edson (right) either side of the babies are Legion and Laci and of course the babies are our new additions Thor and Gersemi.

On Sunday 3rd Jan 2010 at 321pm PST and 330pm PST my beautiful Twin Boys were born delivered by Dr Tara Bergan at the old Glint Medical Clinic via Water Birth.
Twin A is named Edson (Son of a Fortunate Warrior -Old English) & Twin B Malin (Little Strong Warrior - Old English) - They are growing up too fast!

On Wednesday 5th May 2010 at 23:05 PDT our beautiful and long awaited daughter joined us in a home birth in Glint where her father helped to deliver her! Named after a very close personal friend please meet our little Princess to join our Princes 'Laci' (English meaning Lace Like)

On Sunday 5th Dec 2010 at 134pm PST in my own clinic via water birth with Dad at my side our 4th baby a little boy named Legion (Old English & American meaning an important warrior) was born our 3rd prince and much wanted addition.

On Tuesday 27th Dec 2011 our 2 new additions the Twins were born, a new Prince and Princess to join their siblings in a Home Birth with of course their Father taking charge and cracking a few jokes along the way. At 1250pm PST our little Boy Thor Farshore was born weighing in at 5lb 8oz and measured 21 inches long. His little twin sister arrived at 109pm PST and has been named Gersemi Farshore. She weighed in slightly less at 5lb 1oz and was 19 inches long.

I think your all agree that we have a very cute family and with the house full of pets we have a very busy household!