Friday 15 July 2011

Friday Night part one....Wedding news!

With respect to my Owner,

So tonight Cara, Pearl, Ori, Odin and I went to the wedding venue and decorated and arranged everything. Balloons are up, Cake is on display, the Guestbook is available, the chairs are out the alter is ready and all the sudden I am excited....very excited!

Oh yes the moment has arrived in 24 hours I will be marrying my Owner, I will stand by his side at the alter and with Cara firmly at the helm we will be declaring our love for one another in front of all family and friends.

My outfit is ready....I am ready....oh hold I'm not...there is still music to choose (although with Ori and Cara's help we are getting quite a collection and my wonderful Owner has even come up with two brilliant songs for dancing for us alone and one for all the guests to join us...meanwhile Cara came up with the best ever song for walking up the aisle with.....but I won't spoil the choices now)

There are a few more things to sort out but right now my Owner and I have to get ready to be some-where rather special with a couple we love dearly! More on that to follow shortly.

signed his submissive owned

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