So Mr and Mrs Farshore have settled back into family life once more following our lovely holiday get away which was a real treat for both of us and was some much needed and longed for quality time together...the kids are home for the holidays...the oven is warm and the smell of home made goodies fills the house which is also is full of noise and to top it all we have guests.
Currently we have Cara and Gold staying at our place for a few nights something about being the ideal location to retreat to after the fun Winter Ball they went to and for that matter that they dragged me to...well I wasn't kicking and screaming 'please don't make me go' I mean all women love to dance and I was at a loose end as my Owner was away on business.
So putting on my Red dress I joined the two of them and danced with Old Dragon features himself. It was good fun and I thank them both dearly for dragging me out of the house! Cara looked beautiful...she scrubs up well you know and so did Gold for that matter...chuckles

So yes while most pregnant woman would have got their nesting over with and be gaining strength for the birth I am going against the the hell I will deliver these 2 is anyone's guess but I know by Christmas Eve we will all be settled in the house with plenty to do but enough done that should the twins arrive we wil be Owner said I have taken nesting to an all time new level! But he knows by now that I don't do things by halves so I know he isn't surprised by the turn of events!
So the next couple of weeks are going to whiz past in a blur of packing construction and then unpacking...oh god I have to redo the fact the list I am making is getting longer by the minute...roll on Christmas...and oh god I still have presents to finish off...really I must make sure that next year we don't move at Christmas you would have thought that I would have learnt that one last year right?...obviously not!
Any way no time to rest enjoy the pictures...Oh and yes Odin, the Kids and I managed to find time to pose for a family that leads me to say the following in case I forget or don't get chance....
Merry Christmas from the Farshore Household! Whatever your doing or whoever your with enjoy it and for all those in the arms of their loved one's...hold on tightly, snuggle close and stay warm this winter.
signed his submissive owned
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