With respect to my Owner,
On behalf of my Owner and I, we would just like to wish you all a very Happy New Year and hope that 2012 is a peaceful and safe one.While we all party and enjoy ourselves spare a thought for those in the forces away from home and in combat and also for their loved ones back home. As 2011 ends and 2012 begins it is a time for reflection as well as celebration, a time for making wishes and resolutions as well as a time to spend with those we love. So wherever you are whatever you do...have a good one!
signed his submissive owned x

This blog/journal is an insight into my world as I learn to grow and explore in the hands of a man who quite literally completes me....it features information from both my Second Life (SL) world and Real Life (RL) world (where able to of course some things are far to private) enjoy and feel free to leave comments!
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
With respect to my Owner,
It is with great pleasure that my Owner and I announce the birth of our gorgeous Twins.
At 1250pm our little Boy Thor Farshore was born weighing in at 5lb 8oz and measured 21 inches long.
His little twin sister arrived at 109pm and has been named Gersemi Farshore. She weighed in slightly less at 5lb 1oz and was 19 inches long.
Both were delivered with the help of their father and as you can see from the pictures we are all doing well and they are gorgeous. We are very proud of them and tomorrow I promise to tell you all about it, right now I am enjoying my family and taking a well deserved rest!
It is with great pleasure that my Owner and I announce the birth of our gorgeous Twins.

His little twin sister arrived at 109pm and has been named Gersemi Farshore. She weighed in slightly less at 5lb 1oz and was 19 inches long.
Both were delivered with the help of their father and as you can see from the pictures we are all doing well and they are gorgeous. We are very proud of them and tomorrow I promise to tell you all about it, right now I am enjoying my family and taking a well deserved rest!
signed his submissive owned
Tuesday 27th....
With respect to my Owner,
Late last night the contractions started to arrive more frequently. I finally had to tell him after I couldn't lay down to sleep I had been pacing for a good couple of hours and he knew something was up so in the end he stayed up with me all night. We did some bits around the house and unpacked some boxes that we hadn't tackled yet. We even chose rooms for different things and all the time my contractions continued. Anyway this morning while he was sleeping in for a bit, after exhaustion finally caught up with him, I went back to finishing the Nursery, I needed it to be ready for the Twins arrival!
Late morning not only have I finished the Nursery I find myself making sure the rest of the house feels ready for the impending arrival. Jesus this is nesting to the extreme. I guess I am realising that this is the last chance I will have to do anything. The contractions are very close together now. My Owner is up and about and I think it won't be long before these two are in the world!
signed his submissive owned
Late last night the contractions started to arrive more frequently. I finally had to tell him after I couldn't lay down to sleep I had been pacing for a good couple of hours and he knew something was up so in the end he stayed up with me all night. We did some bits around the house and unpacked some boxes that we hadn't tackled yet. We even chose rooms for different things and all the time my contractions continued. Anyway this morning while he was sleeping in for a bit, after exhaustion finally caught up with him, I went back to finishing the Nursery, I needed it to be ready for the Twins arrival!
Late morning not only have I finished the Nursery I find myself making sure the rest of the house feels ready for the impending arrival. Jesus this is nesting to the extreme. I guess I am realising that this is the last chance I will have to do anything. The contractions are very close together now. My Owner is up and about and I think it won't be long before these two are in the world!
signed his submissive owned
Monday, 26 December 2011
Boxing Day...
With respect to my Owner,
Well the contractions are still happening but no closer and no stronger than a dull ache. I guess only time will tell. So I have been keeping myself busy with the nursery. Seriously hanging wall paper will heavily pregnant is not easy! My Owner has been out with the kids most of the morning visiting friends and family advising me to stay in the warm. I am sure that if I try really hard I can get this room almost finished!
signed his submissive owne
Well the contractions are still happening but no closer and no stronger than a dull ache. I guess only time will tell. So I have been keeping myself busy with the nursery. Seriously hanging wall paper will heavily pregnant is not easy! My Owner has been out with the kids most of the morning visiting friends and family advising me to stay in the warm. I am sure that if I try really hard I can get this room almost finished!
signed his submissive owne
Sunday, 25 December 2011
After Christmas Dinner...
With respect to my Owner,
OK so baby watch news...I think the contractions have started...I am pretty sure it's not a false alarm but it's the early stages so who knows how long it will take...I haven't said anything to my Owner yet I want the day to pass and we will see what happens...this is exciting I can't wait to meet the twins!
signed his submissive owned
OK so baby watch news...I think the contractions have started...I am pretty sure it's not a false alarm but it's the early stages so who knows how long it will take...I haven't said anything to my Owner yet I want the day to pass and we will see what happens...this is exciting I can't wait to meet the twins!
signed his submissive owned
Christmas Morning...
With respect to my Owner,
Merry Christmas! The kids have been up what seems like hours. My Owner is sleeping soundly, I think the Rum helped with that and I am dead on my feet...it's the adrenaline that is keeping me going!
Dinner is cooking and there is wrapping paper all over the house, I think the Cats are finding it fun to play with! No sign of the babies yet but I have my fingers crossed that they will arrive soon although not to soon as I have to redo the Nursery!
signed his submissive owned
Merry Christmas! The kids have been up what seems like hours. My Owner is sleeping soundly, I think the Rum helped with that and I am dead on my feet...it's the adrenaline that is keeping me going!
Dinner is cooking and there is wrapping paper all over the house, I think the Cats are finding it fun to play with! No sign of the babies yet but I have my fingers crossed that they will arrive soon although not to soon as I have to redo the Nursery!
signed his submissive owned
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Late Christmas Eve...
With respect to my Owner,
So I write this while curled up with my Owner. The Snow is thick outside and coming down at an alarming rate, we are warm by the Fire in our new House. Oh yes not only did we move Land we ended up with a new house to, it's a long story but lets say it solves a lot of problems. Anyway my Owner is having a drink of Rum while I settle for Hot Chocolate, these babies are due soon and then lock away the Alcohol!
The most important mission has been accomplished, the kids are in their own beds and fast asleep so Santa can come visit and the house will be full of squeals of delight come the morning. I dare say they will be up at some ridiculously early hour but still it's what Christmas is all about. Right now I have the Turkey cooking in the Oven and the Christmas tree is the only other light, apart from the Fire, with it's flashing fairy bulbs.
You know this is what Christmas is about (apart from the obvious being the birth of Jesus etc), it's about being with the ones you love, surrounded by family. So as I cuddle up with my Owner and the clock approaches midnight all I want to do is enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts and then fall into a content sleep.
signed his submissive owned
So I write this while curled up with my Owner. The Snow is thick outside and coming down at an alarming rate, we are warm by the Fire in our new House. Oh yes not only did we move Land we ended up with a new house to, it's a long story but lets say it solves a lot of problems. Anyway my Owner is having a drink of Rum while I settle for Hot Chocolate, these babies are due soon and then lock away the Alcohol!
The most important mission has been accomplished, the kids are in their own beds and fast asleep so Santa can come visit and the house will be full of squeals of delight come the morning. I dare say they will be up at some ridiculously early hour but still it's what Christmas is all about. Right now I have the Turkey cooking in the Oven and the Christmas tree is the only other light, apart from the Fire, with it's flashing fairy bulbs.
You know this is what Christmas is about (apart from the obvious being the birth of Jesus etc), it's about being with the ones you love, surrounded by family. So as I cuddle up with my Owner and the clock approaches midnight all I want to do is enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts and then fall into a content sleep.
signed his submissive owned
Christmas Eve
With respect to my Owner,
So today we move to a new land. I am filled with excitement and dread...there is so much still to pack. We have babysitters looking after the kids to keep them out of the way and with Christmas Day tomorrow I want all my kids tucked up in their beds tonight for Santa to arrive on his sleigh. I also wonder if Santa will bring us our special Christmas Babies too?
Well I can't stand around chatting I have too much to do and the time will go quick enough once I am busy!
signed his submissive owned
So today we move to a new land. I am filled with excitement and dread...there is so much still to pack. We have babysitters looking after the kids to keep them out of the way and with Christmas Day tomorrow I want all my kids tucked up in their beds tonight for Santa to arrive on his sleigh. I also wonder if Santa will bring us our special Christmas Babies too?
Well I can't stand around chatting I have too much to do and the time will go quick enough once I am busy!
signed his submissive owned
Sunday, 11 December 2011
So much is happening....(SL Post)
With respect to my Owner,
So Mr and Mrs Farshore have settled back into family life once more following our lovely holiday get away which was a real treat for both of us and was some much needed and longed for quality time together...the kids are home for the holidays...the oven is warm and the smell of home made goodies fills the house which is also is full of noise and to top it all we have guests.
Currently we have Cara and Gold staying at our place for a few nights something about being the ideal location to retreat to after the fun Winter Ball they went to and for that matter that they dragged me to...well I wasn't kicking and screaming 'please don't make me go' I mean all women love to dance and I was at a loose end as my Owner was away on business.
So putting on my Red dress I joined the two of them and danced with Old Dragon features himself. It was good fun and I thank them both dearly for dragging me out of the house! Cara looked beautiful...she scrubs up well you know and so did Gold for that matter...chuckles
So after all the excitement I left them early to let the babysitter leave and put my feet up for a bit well I mean with the twins due in the next couple of weeks I need my rest...actually scrap that...we are moving house...well land but you all know what I mean...lol
So yes while most pregnant woman would have got their nesting over with and be gaining strength for the birth I am going against the grain...how the hell I will deliver these 2 is anyone's guess but I know by Christmas Eve we will all be settled in the house with plenty to do but enough done that should the twins arrive we wil be ready...my Owner said I have taken nesting to an all time new level! But he knows by now that I don't do things by halves so I know he isn't surprised by the turn of events!
So the next couple of weeks are going to whiz past in a blur of packing construction and then unpacking...oh god I have to redo the nursery...in fact the list I am making is getting longer by the minute...roll on Christmas...and oh god I still have presents to finish off...really I must make sure that next year we don't move at Christmas you would have thought that I would have learnt that one last year right?...obviously not!
Any way no time to rest enjoy the pictures...Oh and yes Odin, the Kids and I managed to find time to pose for a family shot...so that leads me to say the following in case I forget or don't get chance....
Merry Christmas from the Farshore Household! Whatever your doing or whoever your with enjoy it and for all those in the arms of their loved one's...hold on tightly, snuggle close and stay warm this winter.
signed his submissive owned
So Mr and Mrs Farshore have settled back into family life once more following our lovely holiday get away which was a real treat for both of us and was some much needed and longed for quality time together...the kids are home for the holidays...the oven is warm and the smell of home made goodies fills the house which is also is full of noise and to top it all we have guests.
Currently we have Cara and Gold staying at our place for a few nights something about being the ideal location to retreat to after the fun Winter Ball they went to and for that matter that they dragged me to...well I wasn't kicking and screaming 'please don't make me go' I mean all women love to dance and I was at a loose end as my Owner was away on business.
So putting on my Red dress I joined the two of them and danced with Old Dragon features himself. It was good fun and I thank them both dearly for dragging me out of the house! Cara looked beautiful...she scrubs up well you know and so did Gold for that matter...chuckles

So yes while most pregnant woman would have got their nesting over with and be gaining strength for the birth I am going against the grain...how the hell I will deliver these 2 is anyone's guess but I know by Christmas Eve we will all be settled in the house with plenty to do but enough done that should the twins arrive we wil be ready...my Owner said I have taken nesting to an all time new level! But he knows by now that I don't do things by halves so I know he isn't surprised by the turn of events!
So the next couple of weeks are going to whiz past in a blur of packing construction and then unpacking...oh god I have to redo the nursery...in fact the list I am making is getting longer by the minute...roll on Christmas...and oh god I still have presents to finish off...really I must make sure that next year we don't move at Christmas you would have thought that I would have learnt that one last year right?...obviously not!
Any way no time to rest enjoy the pictures...Oh and yes Odin, the Kids and I managed to find time to pose for a family shot...so that leads me to say the following in case I forget or don't get chance....
Merry Christmas from the Farshore Household! Whatever your doing or whoever your with enjoy it and for all those in the arms of their loved one's...hold on tightly, snuggle close and stay warm this winter.
signed his submissive owned
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