Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Christmas is coming...

With respect to my Owner,

So tonight I wished my Owner Merry Christmas as he prepares to join family for Christmas and New Year, the break will be good for him and I bravely kept my tears back as I said goodnight.

I am a very soppy person and my Owner would never expect anything less of me, over the past 3 years he has got used to my little ways...I dare say the tears will flow as my head hits the pillow tonight not because I don't want him to have a good time but because I just want to be with him and around him especially at such a magical time of the year but once tonight is over I will have adjusted to him being missing and once he notifies me he is at his destination I will relax. I too am going away but not for a few more days.

It's not like I wont hear from him of course I will and probably more often than I do every day...its moments apart like this that bring you closer and tighter together and before we know it the New Year celebrations will be over and he will be back at home and our normal daily routine will commence we will both have stories to share and bond over.

So to my Owner....I love you...stay safe for me...can't wait to speak to you and hear from you over the holidays and will miss you like crazy...but more than that...Merry Christmas...enjoy every second of it

signed his submissive owned

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

A difficult journey...

With respect to my Owner,

It's been a while since I have posted here...I won't lie that the last few months have been hard....RL has turned our lives upside down we have had to deal with some hurdles that no-one should ever have to deal with.

I won't explain the reason for the hurdles that's something that my Owner and I share with only the closest of friends but to each one of them (and by god you know who you are) I think I can speak for both of us when I say...Thank all make each day that little easier...your smiles your hugs you encouragement...its what keeps us going...especially me.

What I have learnt over the last few months is that sometimes nothing can prepare you for the range of emotions us Humans suffer from...sometimes the sheer intensity can not only knock you sideways but take you to hell and back in a single heartbeat!

So right now I am in a reflective mood and looking back on the past few months and as the new year approaches I have chance to look forward knows what the future knows what lessons we may learn but one thing I do know...

My love for my Owner is stronger than ever, in each other we grow in strength and support one another and with the love of those who surround us we can and will defeat anything and everything thrown at us

signed his submissive owned