With respect to my Owner,
I overheard a conversation today between a father and his young daughter...they were discussing Christmas and of course being as she was a child I was taken by surprise when she said to her Father a conversation that went something like this.....
Daughter - "Dad every-one at Christmas gets to give and receive presents don't they?"
Dad - "Yes it's a tradition"
Daughter - "Just a present?"
Dad - "Not just a present it's about showing the ones you love like family and friends that you care and some just make wishes"
Daughter - "Wishes" after a pause she continued "If you make a wish does Father Christmas make them come true?"
Dad - "Well depends what it is but if you have been good all year and the wish is for another's benefit then he will try. Why do you ask?"
Daughter - "Can I make a wish for you Dad because I have been a good girl"
Dad - through laughter "well I am not sure you have been completely good this year but it can't hurt to try"
Daughter - "I wish Father Christmas would bring Mummy back because you have been so sad since she went to be an angel"
I can tell you there was suddenly silence in the shop....we all looked at them and her Father gulped lost for words....she carried on
Daughter - "When he does I would like a cuddle from her too because I miss her"
Now right at that moment you could have heard a pin drop her Father was clearly moved and before he could reply she said
Daughter - "Of course if I haven't been good enough this year for him to do that I will be extra good next year"
What do you say to that? Well let me tell you what happened next....her Father was close to tears and I was closet to them how could I not step in and take the pressure off a little so I reached out to them both
Me - "What a beautiful wish and I am sure that Father Christmas hears that wish but you know not all wishes can be granted and it's nothing to do with if your good or not remember Father Christmas is only one man and has to deliver all the presents and wishes of the entire world in one night sometimes he can't deliver them all but knowing that you made the wish is more special than actually receiving it and that makes you a very good girl indeed" I paused and winking to her father I simply said "if Father Christmas can't deliver the wish but agrees that you have been good I am sure that he will leave you an extra present as a reward and thank you on Christmas Morning"
She looked at her father and with tears in his eyes he nodded in agreement as the woman behind the counter handed the girl a couple of sweets to distract her and me I was given the biggest hug and thanked by the man for stepping in when he struggled to find words....and that got me thinking....
We can't all have what we want at Christmas...family members who have passed away...love ones who may be to far away from us through choice or circumstance....money may be too tight....close friends may not be as close as we would like them to be....so this Christmas follow her example and make a wish if all the world did that it would be a much better place
signed his submissive owned